Thank you to all the deadly young people, speakers and musicians who joined us for our ONLINE 2020 Koorie Youth Summit! Sadly we postponed this year’s Summit at Camp Jungai due to the public health situation in Victoria. During this uncertain time, connecting with each other is even more important as we draw strength from each other, and look for new ways to grow.
If you registered for the 2020 Koorie Youth Summit at Camp Jungai, please contact Fruitbowl Productions on 1300 663 450 for a refund.​
Our connection, healing and growth as Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander young people is symbolic of our culture, our people and our history. The 2020 Summit theme, ‘Connect, Heal, Grow: Determining our future’ illustrates the collective wisdom of our past and present, as it supports us in determining our future.
The Summit is a space for us to gather from around the state to connect with each other, discuss what is important to us, be proud, learn, and share.
When we connect and gather as young people, we create space and energy to empower and inspire. When we heal, we understand and recognise the healing and strength within ourselves and our communities. When we grow, we are continuing in the footsteps of our ancestors, inspired by our people’s journeys and creating the footsteps for those that come after us.
The 2020 Koorie Youth Summit logo artist is Rubii Red. Rubii is a proud Lama Lama woman from Cairns, QLD who grew up in Melbourne.
Monday 4 May 2pm – Yarns with a deadly speaker
Belinda Duarte Wotjobaluk/Dja Dja Wurrung, CEO Culture is Life
KYC will yarn with Belinda about the importance of culture, connection and love. Belinda will share elements of her journey and messages of care and inspiration to all who link in.
Wednesday 6 May 4-6pm – Treaty Yarning Circle
Sissy Austin, Gunditjmara & Djab Wurrung
Tarsh Bamblett, Yorta Yorta, Kurnai, Wiradjuri & WarlpiriÂ
Jordan Edwards, Wadda Wurrung, Kirrae Wurrung & Arrernte
Join us as we yarn with the young members of the First People’s Assembly of Victoria. This will be a deadly opportunity to hear about what is happening in the Treaty space and a chance for you to yarn and connect with the members and mob across the state. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people aged 14 -28 years old.
Friday 8 May 6pm – Still Here presents Medicine SongsÂ
Alice Skye, Wergaia/Wemba Wemba
We’re excited to be partnering with Still Here presenting Medicine Songs featuring deadly artists every Friday. Each week we’ll announce the deadly artist performing for you live while we stay at home and keep our mob safe.
Follow us on Koorie Youth Council’s Instagram
Follow Still Here on Instagram

Gunditjmara & Djab Wurrung

presents Medicine Songs with Alice Skye

Yorta Yorta, Kurnai, Wiradjuri & Warlpiri

Wadda Wurrung, Kirrae Wurrung & Arrernte

Wotjobaluk/Dja Dja Wurrung, CEO Culture is Life
Monday 11 May 12pm – Yarns with a deadly speaker
Tunchai Redvers Deninu K’ue First Nation, Co-Founder & Executive Director We Matter Campaign
Join us, as we yarn with our friend Tunchai from the We Matter Campaign in Canada who was a keynote speaker at our Summit in 2018. Tunchai will share the movement We Matter, and the important work and messages being shared with Indigenous Youth in Canada and abroad.
Wednesday 13 May 4-6pm Staying Deadly in Stranger Times Yarning Circle
Douglas Briggs Yorta Yorta/Wurundjeri, KYC’s Policy & Advocacy Officer
Banok Rind Yamatji Badimaya, KYC’s Deputy Executive Officer
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people aged 14-28 years old.
Friday 15 May 6pm – Still Here presents Medicine SongsÂ
We’re excited to be partnering with Still Here presenting Medicine Songs featuring deadly artists every Friday. Each week we’ll announce the deadly artist performing for you live while we stay at home and keep our mob safe.
Follow us on Koorie Youth Council’s Instagram
Follow Still Here on Instagram

Yamatji Badimaya, KYC’s Deputy Executive Officer

Yorta Yorta/Wurundjeri, KYC’s Policy & Advocacy Officer

Yorta Yorta

Deninu K’ue First Nation, Co-Founder & Executive Director We Matter Campaign
Monday 18 May 2pm – Yarns with Steven Oliver
Steven Oliver Kukuyalanji, Waanyi, Gangalidda, Woppaburra, Bundjalung and Biripi, is a writer and actor, as well as a rapper, singer, dance and poet.
Wednesday 20 May 4-6pm – Wellness Yarning Circle
Allira Potter, Yorta Yorta
Allira Potter is a proud Yorta Yorta woman, meditation teacher, intuitive reader, healer, model and life coach. Allira is proud to be an Aboriginal woman in the wellness space, passionate about cultural awareness, holding space for mob and an advocate for self care and overall wellbeing. Allira comes from a strong family of dedicated advocates and carers; her grandmother is Aunty Pam Pedersen and great grandfather Sir Doug Nicholls. So it’s only fitting for someone like herself to be a role model and leader for our younger generation when it comes to wellness, self care and being deadly.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people aged 14-28 years old.
Register for the Yarning Circle via Eventbrite.
Friday 22 May 6pm – Still Here presents Medicine Songs with Kee’ahn
Kee’ahn is a proud Gugu Yalanji, Jirrbal, Zenadth Kes song woman who has recently ventured from her home town in North Queensland, to pursue her dream in the Kulin Nation (Melbourne, Australia).
With a name coming from the Wik people, meaning to dance, to sing, to play – Kee’ahn aims to honour her name and Ancestors through her soulful music that weaves lush melodies and words reminiscent of heartbreak and healing.
Follow us on Koorie Youth Council’s Instagram
Follow Still Here on Instagram

Kukuyalanji, Waanyi, Gangalidda, Woppaburra, Bundjalung & Biripi, Writer & Actor

Yorta Yorta, Meditation teacher, intuitive reader, healer, model & life coach

Gugu Yalanji, Jirrbal, Zenadth Kes song woman
Monday 25 May 2pm – Paving the Way
- Nova Peris Kitja, Yawuru & Iwaitja, Olympian, Gold medalist & Former Federal Senator
- Rarriwuy Hick, Yolngu, Actor, Dancer, Writer & Choreographer
- Laura Thompson, Gunditjmara, Managing Director, Spark Health
This panel features deadly inspirational women representing our people across politics, the arts, health and so much more. They will yarn about their journeys and paving the way for our people in the current-day, as we walk in the footsteps of our Ancestors, guiding us to be advocates for our people.
Wednesday 27 May 4-6pm – Staying Strong & Connected yarning circle
This is an opportunity to come together, connect and yarn about ways we can connect with ourselves and what we need during these uncertain times. Join us as we reflect on what makes us happy and content, while looking at what keeps grounded in who we are as Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander young people.
Elise Muller, Wiradjuri & Palawa, Elite Sportswoman, Autism Advocate & Public Speaker
Bryce Taylor, Worimi, KYC’s Youth Participation & Development Officer
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people aged 14-28 years old.
Register for the Yarning Circle via Eventbrite.
Friday 29 May 6pm – Still Here presents Medicine Songs with Emily Wurramara and The Merindas
Follow us on Koorie Youth Council’s Instagram
Follow Still Here on Instagram

Wiradjuri & Palawa,
Elite Sportswoman, Autism Advocate & Public Speaker

KYC's Youth Participation & Development Officer

Managing Director, Spark Health

Actor, Dancer, Writer & Choreographer

Kitja, Yawuru & Iwaitja
Olympian, Gold medalist & Former Federal Senator